Sunday, December 30, 2012

CHRISTmas at the Glen

It was a night for all of the children's groups to sing etc for Christmas. Sam is now in the children's choir (1-4th grade) Molly sang with the M&M's.
Sam apparently had fleas, or Molly out itching powder in his sweater prior to singing ha.  My favorite part is when he looks over at us and smiles, then tries hard not to smile.  such a cute, sweet little guy!

The M&M's had some special friends show up---  the sheep, the cow and the donkey. 

Here is a synopsis of the videos----  the first song it is Madison who is screaming (jumping girl in red dress)  you can also tell when she sings as she doesn't say her" r's" or" l's"

the second song (silent night--- suppose to be sweet and silent) Molly decides to make her voice be heard.  toward the end of the song Molly finds the mic---  i think she is going to be a natural speaker when she is older ha!! 
This one is really blurry----  but don't fear, the best move of the night was clear as a bell...

now the second set---
molly is not shy in the screaming department for her favorite song (and the reason why she got to be the cow) she doesn't miss a beat even when her hat falls off, she continues singing.  she thinks trent (boy behind her is the reason for the hat to keep falling--- not the fact that she has a tiny head)  she does mess up the chorus a little once, but she just continues to belt it and doesn't miss a beat so all is well)  I think madison got some jumping beans prior to the event, and molly, well, she just can't stand still for a second.
Madison came back to life and drowned out Molly (what a competition these two have going) for the happy birthday Jesus song.  Molly needs a hat readjustment (yet again)
One of Molly's favorite things to do right now is change the real words with rhyming words, she managed to contain herself until the final song---  shortly after the sheep comes to life, Molly rhymes "way" with "pray"--- and seems to be quite proud of herself afterward.
and then, the event of all events... molly stares down the sheep, turns her head a little more and Madison starts jumping again---  maybe the jumping caught everyone,s eyes instead of the most disgusting part of the night---(at 4:22 on video)  yup, the pick and lick (or rather chew)  you can hear us in the background calling out her name and saying no.  the sweet little sheep hollers out-- giving Molly time enough to eat her prize and then, as though nothing ever happened, she continues on in song...makes a mother oh so proud..... YUCK!!!

So Molly and I were at the store the other day.  A man came up to her and said, "hey, I know you, you sang at my church on Sunday night"  Molly looked up at him and he continued on "you were a little cow.  You were the hit of the night, I loved your enthusiasm"  She quickly told him her name (as she pretty much expects everyone to know who she is)  and then wandered off down the row. (we happened to be in the toy section of the store).  She should have stayed though, as her ego would have grown-- for all of the sweet compliments that she was getting.   Thankfully he never mentioned the pick, maybe he never saw it, or maybe he was just thoughtful and realized I would just die knowing that my daughter was remembered for doing a disgusting deed ha ha!!!