Sunday, December 04, 2011

Merry Christmas M&M's sing in big church

well, The M&M's got to sing in big church today. They were pretty cute! I love watching these little ones and seeing how they behave in unusual circumstances. True to form, you can hear my kiddos singing. I was very proud of them, there was no tap dancing, no antics, nothing crazy... then Sam ended it with a sweet little face ha!!! Molly was very proud of herself as well, and wanted ma to give her the affirmation she needed ha!! oh, and, Molly did NOT like that another little girl was getting the attention that she so craves... she had to squawk out something to get everyone's attention as well! Poor little girl, just can't handle someone else being in the lime light!

My kids did not do very well the second service. Apparently they felt they had already done their job so why do it again?! Molly spent the entire time chewing her finger and well, either bending down or sitting on the floor-- she also enjoyed watching the girl behind her. I was impressed how she got the other molly to do a little marching with her.
Sam on the other hand, well, who can resist a pretty girl right?! I enjoyed how his sweet little friend Emily "dared" him to do a shout out, then acts all innocent and nonchalant about it... But hey, it cracked Sam, Emily and Jessica up, so I guess it was ok right?! ha