Friday, October 31, 2008

To the Bat Cave.... Chicky

~overheard prior to the nights events~ "Mommy, I thought I asked for a 'robin' not a 'chicken'!!"
Tonight we took Sam and Molly to our church Fall Fun Festival. Bat Man and Chicken Little had a good time. Sam was not too sure about what this whole event was about, but he was very excited to wear his costume. He really enjoyed the fact that whatever it was that he did he was rewarded with a hand into the candy bowl. I think he really dug this Halloween thing!

Kirk and I volunteered some time at the Hula Hoop station. Sam (or should I say "Mot men"~ Sam's pronunciation of BATMAN) thought he could join right in with the big kids.

There was so much to do at the festival, and we only did a few things as Sam is still a little young. He got a tattoo (hope he liked it, cuz it will be the only kind of tattoo that he will ever have) He got to color a pumpkin (I think the object of this station was to actually make a jack-o-lantern face, not really "color" it)

He got to go fishing

He cheated at tic-tac-toeHe jumped and bounced and jumped and bounced... PERFECT for a "mot men" in training!
He slid down a giant inflatable slide. I wasn't sure what he would do with this one as he had to find his way to the ladder by himself once he was in the deal, but did it, and wanted to do "ahhgin" and "ahhgin" unfortunately he was only able to do it a couple of times since the bigger kids were getting rough in there.And look who we found... a very alert and nosy (couldn't miss out on any of the action) sweet molly. She had fun cheering her big brother on as he ran wild at the festival

Hope everyone had as much fun as we did!



Kelly Heather said...

The kids look great! I love their costumes. Wish we could see them in person! It looks like everyone had fun on Halloween!

Kelly Heather