Monday, April 14, 2008

I am how old?

I have been receiving emails to inform me about the upcoming 20 year high school reunion. Yes, I said 20 year reunion. Wow it is so hard to believe that I should be ready to celebrate such a milestone. I am 36 years old, I know, 36 is old, but it did not sink in as to just how old until you say next year we will be celebrating our 20 year high school reunion! The more I thought about it the older I felt. I thought about those who had children while we were in high school or shortly there after... they would have children in college now--- COLLEGE! Here I am about ready to have a baby and fellow classmates of mine have college students. YIKES!!!!


Michelle {bsktgirl} said...

right there with ya, momma!

Anonymous said...

I thought that you were born in Feb 1971. I am 37 y/o - I thought that you were, too? Doesn't matter - if our class mates have college students, then they started way too early!