Thursday, April 24, 2008

Planting seeds

Samuel and his friend Hanna "helped" us plant seeds last week. They enjoyed playing in the dirt and moving the dirt from the big pot to the little ones, but we lost all of their attention when it was time to plant the actual seeds. We are really excited to see that the sunflowers have popped through, but no sign of the tomatoes as of yet (Hanna's are all sprouted) Sometimes Sam gets a little over zealous when he helps me water and I wonder if maybe the seeds were washed away?!?

Monday, April 14, 2008

I am how old?

I have been receiving emails to inform me about the upcoming 20 year high school reunion. Yes, I said 20 year reunion. Wow it is so hard to believe that I should be ready to celebrate such a milestone. I am 36 years old, I know, 36 is old, but it did not sink in as to just how old until you say next year we will be celebrating our 20 year high school reunion! The more I thought about it the older I felt. I thought about those who had children while we were in high school or shortly there after... they would have children in college now--- COLLEGE! Here I am about ready to have a baby and fellow classmates of mine have college students. YIKES!!!!

Saturday, April 12, 2008


Well, I have not actually fallen off the planet, my precious companion (the computer) decided it had lived a good, long life and needed to go. We just bought a new computer, I like it a lot, but am still getting used to it and my sweet husband is still working on the setting up and replacing all of my old files. He has worked hard trying to save everything prior to the big kerplunk and then all the research of what kind of computer I should get (I am clueless) Thanks honey for all of your hard work, time, and energy!

Saturday, April 05, 2008

March of Dimes

Hello everyone out there. My friend Michelle is collecting money for the March of Dimes organization. The money collected will be for research for premature infants. If you are interested in donating to this cause you can click here and follow the link on the right side of her page.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

the "dack dacks"

While in Ok we were able to visit the lake and see the ducks. (they had a cold snap so it was too cold to go near the water) Samuel is fascinated with all sorts of animals and really enjoyed being able to be up close and personal with the "dack dacks" (he still won't call them by name but loves to make their sound- quack quack) There were all sorts of ducks there, wouldn't you know it was the funny-looking ugly one that was the one that came right up to him for the cracker?