Wednesday, November 07, 2007

The Perfect new TOY?!

Though he is nowhere near ready to use it, we decided to start introducing Samuel to the next exciting milestone~ POTTY TRAINING. Kirk and I wanted to make it sound interesting and like a lot of fun. We apparently did a great job, as he is very fascinated. He really enjoys sitting on it though he has not "used" it yet. He likes it so much that he feels it needs to go everywhere with him (instead of staying in the bathroom)He loves the lid on it, constantly opening and closing it (he even tries to close it while he is perched upon the throne)

Here he is enjoying the nice cushy seat... guess it makes a great hat?!
Really?! must he place his new potty on the couch?! Thankfully it is still clean and new


Anonymous said...

Wait till he DOES use it and brings it (with contents inside) to the couch...up side down. Fun! Fun!

believe it or's just me said...

Thanks for the encouagement ma!

Anonymous said...

Oh, the fun is just beginning! Let me know how it goes.hahaha
