Monday, April 06, 2009

No, No, Durdy, durdy, durdy

It seems that Sam is truly looking out for the best interest of his baby sister. Or is it that he just enjoys telling her what to do and taking things away from her? I haven't quite figured out the real reason behind it, but it is cute regardless. I was in the kitchen and I heard Sam saying "No Allyee (yeah, you guessed it-- that is Molly to you and me) durdy, durdy, durdy" "No, No, Durdy, durdy, durdy" Yes, he has heard me say this many times to Molly as she has this thing with shoes. She will go out of her way to hunt a shoe so that she can place it in her mouth and chew. (yes, I know, YUCK!!!) As I remove the shoe from her hands (and/or mouth) I always say "No, No, dirty, dirty, dirty". Only I will put the shoes away and not on our dining table ;)

So I am sure you noticed, it is March and I still have my poinsettia from November. It had been doing pretty well until I thought I would be nice to it and let it go outside for a little sunshine. Little did I realize that there were like 30 MPH winds that day and it blew my poor little flower to pieces. This is what was left of my poor pathetic flower. I have since done what any good green thumbed person would do. (I threw it away) I mean, it was a seasonal flower after all right?! Anyone else still have one sitting around? I really wanted to see if I could make it last until NEXT Christmas and have it double in size. Oh well, better luck next year right?!


Anonymous said...

I could have given you still looked pretty good..but hey! Christmas is over and it was time for it to die (I mean go).
By the way...we always keep our shoes on the dining room table...where else would you put them hahaha