Friday, March 27, 2009

Saying Goodbye

On Sunday March 15th 2009 my Uncle Jerry (my mom's sister's husband) passed away. He lived a very full and eventful life from doing magic shows to dropping out of a helicopter dressed as Santa Claus at the local mall every year to kick off the Christmas season. Since he lived so far away (Indiana) Sam was only able to meet his great uncle twice. Unfortunately, Molly never did. Here is Samuel with him in August 2006. Sam was 5 months old. This was one of the first times that Sam gave us a huge belly laugh, not sure what it was, but he thought uncle Jerry was hysterical.

We went back up north in January 2008. Sam was 22 months, Molly came as well, only about 21 weeks along. Aunt Shirley and Uncle Jerry came over to visit as we were staying in Ohio to visit my grandparents. Sam enjoyed chatting it up with Uncle Jerry.
good bye uncle Jerry, we are so happy that you are in a MUCH MUCH better place now. See you again someday.


Amazing as it may sound, just 3 short days later on Wednesday March 18th my grandpa (my mom's father) passed away to see his Lord and maker, Jesus Christ. He was 88 years old and enjoyed every year to the fullest. Thankfully he was healthy and able bodied to the end. He was very active in his church and busy all the time whether it be counting the offering each week or maintenance on the many, many things that needed attention at the church and home. He proudly served in the Air Force during WWII and was honored at the graveside with a flag-draped casket, folding and presentation of the flag, and taps was played as the airplane flew overhead in his honor. Unfortunately I was unable to go to the funeral, but hearing it described just brings tears to my eyes. What a special way to pay tribute and say thanks to those who served our country and helped keep our freedoms.
Again, since Ohio is just too far away, Sam was only able to meet his Great Grandparents twice. Molly has never been there (except in my belly) -- I sure wish grandpa could have met her, he would have loved her big 2-toothy grin! The first time we went up (Aug 2006) it coincided with my grandpa's 86th birthday so my mom, Sam and I were able to help him celebrate. This was taken right as grandpa and Sam met in person for the first time. The next day, Sam and grandpa relaxing
Right before we headed back on the big airplane . Great-grandpa holding Sam with great-grandma Betty.
As you can tell, the next time we came to visit it was COLD outside. January in Ohio= BRRRR. Here is grandpa, Sam, my dad, Betty. No one would have ever guessed that just over 1 year later we would be saying good-bye forever. Good bye grandpa. Being an only child and father of 2 daughters, your last name continues as middle names in your grandson (Rod) and his son (Ethan). Your first name (Walter) continues as a middle name with Jeffery, your great-grandson. Your Christian legacy continues with both your daughters, their husbands and your grandchildren, all being Christ followers raising their children (your great-grandchildren) to love the Lord and to be actively involved in church. You have lead a long, full, healthy life and now you get to be in Heaven celebrating with Jesus. i am so excited to know that I will one day be able to see you again.


Anonymous said...

Oh, Kelly. These tributes are beautiful and of course..I am crying. Thank you for the lovely writings.
I love you more than you could ever know..although now that you have little ones of your know what I mean.