Friday, February 20, 2009

We arrived

We arrived in OK in one piece. Sam and Molly did pretty well on the drive. Molly started acting odd the night before. She actually FELL ASLEEP on Kirk's chest in the evening. We were wondering if she might be coming down with something.Once we were in OK she wanted nothing to do with ANYone or ANYthing BUT me. She would cling onto me any which way she could and twist her little fingers all around my shirt. If I could get her little fingers loose she would scream within 2 seconds. I was finally able to get her to see her Nonna by wrapping her tight and having her bottle. She still wanted to make sure I was in her sights though... check out those eyes!! Thankfully she took a little catnap on Nonna so that they could have a little time together.
Sam had a good time hanging out with his 2nd cousin Ashton (turns out he is just as big a fan of batman as Sam!) He is 6 months older than Sam.Molly was finally able to meet Camdyn (who was born about 6 weeks after Molly) It took a lot to get her to be on the floor, let alone to pay any attention to Camdyn, so we had to snap those pictures fast! Here is the typical face whenever she was not clinging to me. I sure wish she could have been sweet to her great grandmother. Well, actually as soon as we arrived she allowed her to hold her for a minute, too bad the camera was in the car at that time.
unfortunately our "feeling" was right Molly just hasn't 'acted' her normal busy self (a tell tale sign for my highly active children) she has been pretty snotty today. Sam is sick today as well. He shows it in a different way, he has been runny a temp around 101-102 for 24 hours now. Poor kiddos are pretty miserable.