Friday, August 10, 2007

ok, so what is the one thing that you don't want to break down when you are having friends over and the temp outside is going to be 100 degrees? THE AIR CONDITIONER! boy, never expect that to stop working especially when the house is not even 2 years old! ugh. Thankfully we have 2 units and the upstairs still works so we camped out in the spare bedroom for a couple of nights. the highest it got today was 85 downstairs, but the upstairs has to work to keep it there. Kirk called our builder's warranty people, only the company that we bought our house from was bought out by another company about 2 months ago. Also, the airconditioning installer company was bought out by another company... who do we contact UGh! poor kirk! The nice repairman came by today. we had a malfunctioning part which was under warranty per the lennex company, yeah that is great i say to the man, then he gives me the bill. i was prepared for the $74 diagnostic fee, however, i was unprepared for the $95 installation fee... really? the man was here for 30 minutes, it cost $95 to unscrew and screw in a part? if i would have known that i would have asked if i could install the part ha ha. oh well, i guess in the long run it is a small price to pay for the comfort of cool air!
now, all of that said... here is the kicker. Samuel was napping when the air man came. the attic ladder is right outside of his room, and the air units are just above his room. the air man pulled down the ladder, walked around in the attic, tapped some things, made some noise went up and down the ladder you get the picture. Since the man was making so much noise, i decided to go ahead and unload the dishwasher. meanwhile my sweet angel continued to sleep, not even a whisper came out. now, you may be saying ok, so he slept through some noise, BUT, this is the boy that wakes up crying if i muffle my sneeze into a pillow. (maybe a little exaggeration there)
it was wonderful! he slept for almost 2 1/2 hours! too bad i had to wait on the air man~ i could have had a good nap too (i am working tonight)