Sunday, March 24, 2013

web fight

one of Sam's favorite gifts at Christmas was the Spiderman web shooter.  (basically silly string in a spiderman tube that you strap to your arm and they can charge $8 per can)  It was pretty cool and fun.  I sent the kids outside to try out the shhoter, but I could not send Molly out without arming her as well. I gave her a bottle of plain old silly string.  (actually with the present Sam got a few extra bottles of plain silly string-- it was intended that these bottles could be used with the spiderman get up to save some cash--  they are the EXACT same size, but of course they do not work--- what a SCAM!!!! grrrr-- do you feel my frustration?!)
so, Molly has now decided to check out her can.. mean while she is getting "webbed"
and webbed
and webbed!!!! just check out that sweet mischeivious grin Sam has on his face!!!
So cool!!!

Now time for the stand off...
and now she gets the hang of it....
both attack one another
until it turns into all out war with a spidy chase...
oh, but wait...   he has her can---  she chases him-- and catches him.  the only thing she feels she can do now is hang onto him, and he keeps running!!!
Now we just have plain ole silly string wars...  its still fun!!!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

coyote catcher

The Coyote  Catcher:
Sam had his first big project of his school career.  He had to "invent" something, write about it and then present it to his class.  Prior to this assignment Sam and I had been talking about pets (those of you who know him know that Kirk is not a pet person)  Sam was trying to come up with a pet that he could have that Kirk would like.  I told him that kirk might actually go for an outdoor cat... but we can't have an outdoor cat because of the coyotes that roam our neighborhood.  He then started "inventing" a way to get rid of the coyotes.  A week or two later his teacher presented the class with their assignment.  I thought it was perfect timing. 

We had fun creating it---  it is a whole lot easier to invent something than actually creating it that is for sure.  Let's just say there were several adjustments to the actual idea.  It was cute-- 

 There is a pit.  There is a net.  There are STRONG magnets on the net. 

 The coyote (or lion in this demonstration) walks slowly to the kitty and then BAM--  he falls into the pit
The net encompasses him
and boom, the coyote is taken care of 
 and the sweet kitty is free to live.

AWESOME JOB SAM!!  now if only it would work---  we might could get one if it did ha ha
wish I had a video of the actual trapping of the coyote--  it was pretty cool.  And Sam was able to demonstrate it when he presented in front of his class.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


I got an email from Sam's teacher a few weeks ago telling me that we might want to come to the assembly that week, as Sam was going to be given an award.  
This award is presented by the teacher for those students who stand above for the whole 9 weeks.  To say that we were PROUD parents would be an understatement.  One thing she said when she presented the award was that she heard from other teaches about him as well.   He is officially an UPSTANDER!!! 

I had a caterpillar left over (from a baby shower) and so I thought I would use it to tell Sam how proud we were of him.  He was also able to celebrate at Gatti town!  It pays to be an upstander :)

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Oh me, Oh my, check out that EYE

"It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye"  We have all heard the phase, and I am almost positive that if you are a parent you more than likely have uttered these words from your very own lips...  and there is always a good reason.
Someone is bound to get hurt
especially if someone is flinging books at the other under the bed.
a book with a pointed, sharp edge.
Day 2

Day 3
Day 4