Friday, June 15, 2012

Wow, what weather we have had

 It has been a crazy weather season for us.


  We have gotten a lot of rain lately which is wonderful after the horrible drought we have been in.  But it hasn't just rained, it has poured and flooded and poured some more.  We have had BIG winds-- knocking down trees and fences in our neighborhood (thankfully our new fence from last year has proven itself!!)  We have also had hail.  Lots of hail, like hail 3 different times in the past 2 weeks.  Thankfully a couple of the storms were  during the day and the kids were able to see it.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

end of year M&M's sing

Sam's final singing with the M&M's.  The last songs for Molly's first year.  What a whirl wind of a year for M&M's.  It is hard to believe it is over.  I love to hear those sweet voices singing.

 there were 3 songs, but in passing the camera to Kirk, we missed one---oops!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Princess Diva in the making

This is a usual occurrence when I get Molly up from rest time...  As you can see, she uses her time wisely

Monday, June 11, 2012

Take me out to the ballgame...

 It's spring, time for warmer weather, hot dogs on the grill and BASEBALL

We signed Sam up for t-ball this year.  Because of his age he is on a modified t-ball team even though this is his first year.  Modified means that the coach pitches you the first 4 pitches and if you do not hit it by then you get to bat off the t.  It has been challenging for Sam, but he is getting the hang of it, and hopefully by the end of the season he might actually like it ---  right now he says he doesn't because he has to learn too much :)
He has a hard time keeping his attention on the ball, but when he does he really has some good baseball skills!  I LOVE the way he stands at bat... perfect form!  and oh, he is just ADORABLE in his uniform!! 
 at bat
 at third, getting ready to bring it home
 um, he has to wear something new... gotta protect the future, even if it is uncomfortable!
what a proud point earner!!!!  it is amazing how good it feels to make it to home plate!!

I am so proud of that cute little boy...  he is on a team
  •  with boys he has never seen before, 
  •  of a sport he knows nothing about,
  •  with shoes that feel funny when you run,
  •  and he is trying to figure it all out!